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Comments from the guestbook
Email: mikad{at}comcast.net
Where are
you from: Ann Arbor, MI
Comments: We knew George and Jane from the pepita in Cozumel. We sure miss them down there.
September 8, 2006 18:15:12 (GMT Time)
Vancouver,B.C. & Chicago (Hyde Park) & Evanston
Comments: I can't actually remember meeting George for the first time - but we knew him a long time.And since George always liked me (which I found very flattering!) we always liked George-and dear Jane - who we've known even longer. We were sad to learn of George's death and send all the family our sympathy. A donation was made to B.C. Children's Hospital in George's memory.
July 30, 2006 01:26:30 (GMT Time)
Pentwater Originally, Now Traverse City
Comments: I am so sorry to hear of "Uncle" George's passing. In fact, I went past the Pentwater place last Monday night and saw lights on inside, and planned on stopping by next week to inquire about "Uncle George." I met "Uncle George" somewhere between 1975 and 1978 in Pentwater. I was tending bar at the Antler Bar, then owned by Don and Wanda Baker. I had many fine conversations with him there on quiet afternoons, and looked forward to seeing him working in the garden later in years, when I would stop by for a quick hello. Christine was quite young when I met her. My condolences to your family. Mark Mather
July 15, 2006 20:11:39 (GMT Time)
Condolences from:
Rita Johnson Lowe
Harold Washington College - CIS Dept.- retired
July 5, 2006 06:08:51 (GMT Time)
I met George through Jane before they were married and well remember the night he helped me break into my own apartment because the babysitter was so sound asleep we couldn't wake her. After calling the Chicago cops and telling them I was breaking into my own apartment (!!), he carefully taped the glass in the door so it wouldn’t shatter and all fall out, he cut the glass like a professional burglar, lifted it out, opened the door and we were in. It’s one of many memories of his inventive helpfulness.
I will miss his wise and sometimes sardonic comments and observations. He was a pleasure to know. My love to all the family but especially Jane – we’ve been through many of life’s passages together but this is one of the hardest even though inevitable.
Beverly Williams
N.California to Chicago to Austin, Texas
June 29, 2006 21:47:20 (GMT Time)
I visited George at Montgomery Place for a week. I enjoyed feeding the pigeons with George and talking about Chicago politics. We also talked about Terry Patchett, as I remember. I enjoyed the conversations greatly.
Paul Elmore
Marshall, CA
June 27, 2006
George did indeed love babies and I will always remember the joy with which he greeted my first, Daniel Hollander. I saw a new side: gentle, loving, happy. George also taught my kids how to shoot a gun responsibly, one of my fondest memories of him in Pentwater, a visit also graced by amazing mushrooms. I had full confidence that they were not poisonous as George knew things that grow. Dahlias in the yard in Pentwater shine for me as well.
Liz Hollander
Email: ehollander{at}compact.org
Where are
you from: Chicago and Providence
June 25, 2006 14:25:38 (GMT Time)
I had to pause for a few days to remember my colleague, friend, office partner, and sometimes protector. I remember him as an on-time kind of guy. He arrived at the college at the same time everyday, which, no doubt, meant to him on time. He always started his classes on time, left the college on time to arrive at Jimmy's on schedule.
Della Burt-Bradley Email: dbbradley{at}aol.com
Where are
you from: Harold Washington College
June 26, 2006 18:28:27 (GMT Time)
We loved his sense of humor. he always enjoyed a prank or two when he was here. He was diplomatic,kind and a gentleman. The roses and day lillies are in bloom at the Mathers' house.
pam and tom mcguire
Email: walker1{at}core.com
Where are y ou from: pentwater, mi
June 26, 2006 22:47:59 (GMT Time)
I fondly remember George from the '70's when I sat and talked with him at Jimmy's. I loved his stories. My longtime companion, Ken Laitinen, (who died in January) told many more stories of his adventures with George and Jane in Pentwater. One in particular involved Ken's purchase of a large carved loon, which George carried around to a local bar. My sympathies to Jane and the rest of the family.
Gerry KettersonEmail: GKetterson{at}aol.comWhere are
you from: Currently in Park Ridge, IL
June 26, 2006
My condolences to your family, Jane.
We are in England now--but our thoughts are with you. I think I met you before I met George; but I enjoyed the company of you both.
eunice and bill rosen rosen (highland park, il)
June 23, 2006
I send my condolences to Ms. Jane Mather and family. May George rest in peace.
Pamela Walker's daughter.
Jennifer Partington (Chicago, IL )
June 22, 2006
My condolences to Mrs. Mather and her family. May George now REST IN PEACE.
Former U of C Hospital roommate.
June 21, 2006
Name: Raymonda Johnson
Email: <raymondajohnson{at}mac.com>
Where are
you from: Chicago
Comments: George taught us younger faculty at Harold Washington College so many lessons about what was really important about life and teaching--and more importantly about what was not important. His sometimes gruff comments were always heard with the gentle humanity he possessed. I wish I had known more of his love for flowers and gardening. It fits.
June 22, 2006 03:49:46 (GMT Time)
June 20, 2006
My deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mather and family. It was a pleasure and honor to know George.
Kelly - Mongomery Place Nurse
Kelly Weston - Knutson (Chicago, IL ) kknutson{at}montplace.com
Name: Bob Deaver
Email: doctrbob1{at}aol.com
Comments: I was very saddened to hear of Mr. Mather's passing.
June 20, 2006 18:16:03 (GMT Time)
Name: Penney Hills
Email: pchills{at}msn.com
Where are
you from: Grand Junction, Colorado
Comments: What a wonderful wake-site! Lucky George, to have such weddingful, baby-making family--why does he look suspicious? Or maybe about to say something funny. I remember him almost always reading. That summer I drove Jane and George from Chicago to Pentwater, the servitor fainted instead of fixing the leak in the bathroom. It was OK. George was AOK, and much loved. Lucky man.
June 20, 2006 02:59:54 (GMT Time)
Name: Paul Hruban
Email: zhruban{at}midway.uchicago.edu
Where are
you from: Hyde Park
Comments: I remember sitting next to George at Jimmy's once and he asked me what I thought of religion. After I had answered, he said, "That's not what I would have said at all, but I agree completely." That's the kind of wonderful and challenging friend George was. I hope nature does in fact abhor the vacuum.
June 18, 2006 20:02:45 (GMT Time)
Name: tom and pat mchugh
Email: patmchugh1{at}charter.netWhere areyou from: Pentwater, Michigan
Comments: Our earliest recollection of George was when he walked into the bank one day and had just sprayed his roses but missed the roses and sprayed his eyes. He was quite a mess!..Christine was with him and we quickly arranged a ride to the hospital for a visit to repair the bad eye. From this moment on over 25 yrs ago...we would catch up every summer to compare notes on the last yr..what had transpired with each of our families...He truly loved his Pentwater home..and he was well known by everyone as the man out in his garden every day working on his roses!..with the farmers hat on!! We just live two doors down from the home and do enjoy checking on the house as we pass back and forth... Every time we look at our day lilies out front we think of the day George brought over a big white bucket with 20 plants in them..and he said..Plant them and they will spread nicely for you...Was he ever right!!..we just keep spreading and spreading the day lilies..all over the property now..We constantl June 18, 2006 18:44:19 (GMT Time)
Name: Rev. Dr. Robert Petite
Email: rpetite{at}montplace.com
Where areyou from: Chicago
Comments: I was very sorry to have been away from Montgomery Place when Mr. Mather died. I would have liked to have been a support to Mrs. Mather. Over the years George and I had struck up a very pleasant friendship, mostly around things we had read. I was also always very impressed by George June 18, 2006 13:59:32 (GMT Time)
Name: Michael Brehm and Susan Phillips
Email: mabrehm{at}sbcglobal.net
Where areyou from: 5701 S. Blackstone Ave
June 17, 2006 20:17:27 (GMT Time)
Name: Kimberly McPherson
Email: kimmypond{at}yahoo.com
Where areyou from: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada
Comments: I really looked up to George. He made a lasting impression on me in a short time. George is my Grandfa. When I think of him, I imagine him in Pentwater. Sitting in his chair reading with his bird on his glasses reading with him. He taught me alot in 2 summer visits to Pentwater at age 12 & 14. Took me on walks, educated me on poison ivy and roses.(Thank You). He had lots of patience with me and could some how relate to my awkward young age. I have many funny memories (good times) with Grandfa. He will surely be missed by me. My heart goes out to Grandma, Penney, Dylan, and Christine June 16, 2006 11:48:04 (GMT Time)